Dan Sheigold writes in correspondence with piorneer opamp using chemist Jack Harrar:


Hi, Joe, Jack:

 Yes, I remember Booman's paper and meeting Don DeFord. 

 This correspondence also reminded me of a 104-page book by Charles F. ("Chuck") Morrison, "Generalized Instrumentation for Research and Teaching," (c) 1964 by Washington State University. It describes a general-purpose instrument, built as a project supported in part by the NSF, and is subtitled, "A primer in the art of using operational amplifiers in general utility instrumentation." It describes such instruments as a colorimeter, potentiometric titrators, polarographic instruments, feedback operations with cells, etc. The drawings of the instrument actually include outline sketches of the shapes of K2 amplifiers.


He lists a reference to an Operational Amplifier Symposium at the 144th Meeting of ACS, published in Analytical Chemistry 12 (1963), p. 1770.

